Your exit in 4 steps

Take your brand to the next level

We buy your brand

We know from our own experience how much work, time and love must be invested in a successful online business. It's a passion that unites us - the passion to create exceptional products that our customers love.

But we also know that the next step, scaling a business to an even higher level, is especially challenging. It requires a new skill set, a different infrastructure, additional resources and capital, and expanding the team.

We would like to offer you the opportunity to leave your company in good hands. By selling your business to us, you give your brand the chance to reach the next level. With years of experience in building and growing brands, we'll take care of running your business and scaling it to new heights.

Sell my brand

Your exit in 4 steps

Our process


Denkst du darüber nach, dein Unternehmen zu verkaufen? Nimm über das Kontaktformular Kontakt mit uns auf. Wir freuen uns darauf, mit dir einen dedizierten Einzelgesprächstermin zu vereinbaren, um alle deine Fragen zu besprechen.


Du kennst deine Marke besser als jeder andere - erzähl uns also alles darüber. Nach dem ersten Gespräch werden wir das Potenzial deiner Marke diskutieren, Wachstumsideen entwickeln und dir ein starkes Angebot machen.


Als nächstes werden wir uns eingehend mit deinen finanziellen Informationen und betrieblichen Abläufen befassen. Basierend auf unserem verbesserten Verständnis deines Geschäfts werden wir beurteilen können, ob deine Marke gut zu uns passt.

Tell us about yourself

Your brand sale

Tell us about you and your company!

For us, understanding the individual values of your brand is an important part of our philosophy. That's why we tailor our deals and offers to the needs and requirements of each individual entrepreneur and company. Just as your brand is unique, our deals reflect that uniqueness. We make sure that your business is in good hands - and that your business gets the success it deserves.

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